Welcome to Our Times - The Multimedia Encyclopedia of the 20th Century! Join James Earl Jones as he leads you on a thought provoking exploration of our remarkable century.
Please print out, fill in and return your registration card for access to technical support, a $10 certificate towards your next Our Times CD-ROM purchase, and priority notification and special pricing on future upgrades and additions to your Our Times CD-ROM library. Also, order our free study guide entitled "Fun Ways to Use Your Our Times Multimedia Encyclopedia," including a section on writing book reports and research projects.
Please find below tips to help you with product installation and usage.
We are sure that you will find Our Times useful, fun and fascinating!
-- The Vicarious Team
This installer will install the fonts required to properly run OUR TIMES.
If you are certain you already have the OT font family installed, then you need not run this installer at this time.
Application/Presentation Mode
You can use OUR TIMES in either of two modes.
- Presentation mode: OUR TIMES fills the entire screen, so that Finder windows and menus are not available.
- Application mode: OUR TIMES appears in a window like other applications; you can use the windows and menus of the Finder.
In order to switch back and forth between these modes, you can:
1. Press the MODE button below the time line controller.
2. Select "Presentation Mode" from the "Tools" menu. (Available ONLY while in Application mode.)
3. Press and hold the Command key, then press the space bar.
SPECIAL NOTE TO USERS OF SCSIProbe: If you use the SCSIProbe control panel, you may need to disable the "Volume Mounting Init" feature before you can use Command-Space to toggle between modes in OUR TIMES. Open the SCSIProbe control panel, and click on "Options". Make sure that the check box next to "Install Volume Mounting Init" is unchecked.
Technical Support
To get in touch with Vicarious for technical assistance:
• call Vicarious' Technical Support Department at (214) 776-2637
• send e-mail to OurTimes@vicarious.com
• visit us on the Web at http://www.vicarious.com
OUR TIMES includes pre-made "bookmarks" on topics such as World War I and II. To access these, simply go into the "Bookmark" function (by pressing the bookmark button on the Controller bar) and press "load." You can then open any of the bookmark files located in the "Bookmark" folder, on the OUR TIMES CD-ROM.
When printing, make sure that the "font substitution" option in the Page Setup dialog is un-checked. Otherwise, some special characters may not print correctly for you. Also, you may have printing problems if you never went through the installation process since that process installs the special Our Times fonts in your System Folder.
Performance Gains
Although OUR TIMES has been optimized for performance when run directly off your CD-ROM, you may gain some performance increases by copying the application (1.2 Mb) to your hard drive.
Also, you may want to copy the bitmaps.mfi file (60 Kb, found in the Media:Art folder) to the same directory as the application.
For quicker access to the Our Times articles, copy the OTDB.mfi (322 Kb, found in the Media:OT folder) to the same directory as the application.
For quicker access to the Columbia articles, copy the CEDB.mfi (2.4 Mb, found in the Media:CE folder) to the same directory as the application.